Seven Signs Of Quality Hair Salons – Okay, so we know you want the goods; you want the immediate signs you can take home and write on a notepad that tells you whether or not you’re looking at a good hair salon. You might not agree with all seven signs we have here, but hopefully we’ll teach you something yo haven’t learned before and give you a clue as to the kind of hair salons you might be considering.

A quality cover. You know that old phrase “you can’t judge a book by its cover?” Well, it’s not necessarily true in the world of business. You can take one look at some salons and know you’ll never have to take a step in the door to figure out that it’s not the type of place you want to be. On the other end of the spectrum, an attractive, quality location suggests that a hair salon has produced enough quality work to be able to afford an attractive space. It’s not a rule without exceptions, but it is a sign of what to expect.

No snobbery. “Snobbery” can be defined as the act of being a snob – if you’re going to a really high-quality hair salon, you might expect to find a few hair snobs in there. But if a hair salon can lift your hair up to their standards without making you feel like a dolt for needing their services in the first place, you can really have a pleasant experience. No good hair stylist should talk down to clients – after all, it’s their job to take what you have and fix it. You might be in the dark when it comes to matters of the hair, but that’s why you pay someone else to worry about it.

Receptionist. Talk to the receptionist on the phone. How seriously do they take their job? Are they friendly and willing to work around your schedule or do get the idea that they’d rather be at home watching TV? A quality receptionist is often your first clue into the “quality cover” we talked about in sign #2.

Customization. Does a hair salon plug you into a chair, do what they want, and unplug you when they’re done? You don’t want to feel like another pod in the Matrix, so it’s important that you find a hair salon that actually tends to your requests and is willing to provide you feedback if you’re a little lost. Barbers might give you a cookie-cutter haircut, but a hair stylist should do anything but. Everyone’s head and hair is different and they should treat you as such.

Socializing. Sometimes the quality of a hair salon’s actual hair services can be enough to overcome a frigid social environment – but if you don’t want to endure that kind of thing for an hour, maybe it’s best you find a hair salon that will actually feel like a friendly environment. You don’t have to become instant best friends with everyone there, but you should at least feel comfortable.

Feedback. Let’s say you want a recommendation for your hair. Can the hair stylist actually give you one that fits what you like or are they simply recommending their easiest or most expensive solution? A hair salon that works hard at pleasing you is the kind of hair salon you’ll want to visit over and over again.

Their traffic. A hair salon with no visitors can look like a ghost town for hair – not exactly a pretty sight. If you want to work with a good hair salon, you’ll want to find one that at least has the quality of service to attractive a healthy client. If you’re the only one heading into their hair salon, it’s a good idea to ask yourself why.
